To Print to a Konica Copier                                           (v 1.0)


This only works from one of the computers in the workroom with the copier.  The idea is that you can print jobs directly to the copier.  This is of particular use for large jobs of many single pages (e.g. progress reports, printing out a manual for a program, or printing out AP material for a student.)  Note that you can also print directly to 11x17 inch paper.  If you use colored paper, this is a very economical poster.


Note that most programs have a Print Preview option available of some sort.  Before you print 200 pages, it would be good to make sure that it is what you want.  Easy Grade Pro in particular has a very good Preview – please see someone such as your tech coordinator for hints on how to collapse a two-page progress report down to one page.  (Such as changing the font size to something smaller or only printing the assignments, starting in the second quarter.)


Privacy / Security aside:  As you should be aware already, any time that you work in a networked, computer environment, you should assume that if someone really cares, they can find out what you are doing.  A certain amount of information about who is printing what to the copiers is available to those of us with assigned ‘powers’.


Neatness / paper wastage aside:  Not every school has chosen to allow teachers to print to copiers.  We feel that this will make things easier for you and use our resources more efficiently (it’s significantly cheaper to print to the copiers than to printers), but let’s all make an effort to not let scrap paper overwhelm our workrooms J


Open the file that you wish to print.  This could be something saved in your documents folder, saved on your flash drive, a print job from your gradebook program, or something found on the internet.

Select File / Print and select from the pop-up the Workroom Konica 7165.

Click on the Properties tab to examine your options.  Most people will only need to change settings on the first Paper tab.  Note that you can set the number of copies, landscape/portrait, paper size, features, and duplex.

To Staple, select Staple under features and then change the pop-up directly below from <none> to <single-left> (or whatever…)

To print on front and back, change Duplex from <none> to <flip on long edge>

To print on 11x17 paper, change the paper size and make sure that the paper is loaded.  At the moment, 11x17 paper is only loaded in the G203 workroom (courtesy of Ms. Dietrich and the Newspaper class – Thanks!)  If you print more than one or two pages, please check with her about getting more paper!

Click Ok / Ok and your job should come out in a few seconds.


Open the file that you wish to print.  This could be something saved in your documents folder, saved on your flash drive, a print job from your gradebook program, or something found on the internet.

Select File / Print and select from the pop-up the Workroom Konica 7165.

For stapling, and printing front and back, consider the 3rd pop-up in the Print dialog window (labeled Copies and Pages). Under Layout, select Two-sided / Long edged binding. Under Finishing, select Stapling: Single (Portrait) (or others)

Click Print and your job should come out in a few seconds.


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