Class Introduction:

Course Objective: Heighten awareness and understanding of the complex interaction of culture, geography, history, politics and economics that permeates all aspects of “Alaska.”

Grading: Grades are weighted in the following categories:
15% Individual Fieldtrips (These are required for all students!)
15% Projects
45% Daily Work/Homework/Etc.
10% Unit Exams/Quizzes
15% Final Exam
100-90%= A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, 59% = F

Attendance: Each day in class is valuable in attaining and maintaining excellence Alaska Studies. The many interactive components are quite difficult to recreate or replace for an absent student. If you miss a day in Alaska Studies, plan to make up work at lunch or after school!

Daily Requirements: Always bring a willingness to learn and explore and all required materials.

Coursework will consist of: Reading and writing, current events, library research, map work, magazine or newspaper critiques, primary sources, major projects, note taking, quizzes, tests and more! Class work may be cooperative or competitive and include learning through a variety of materials and methods. Students will be evaluated on knowledge, comprehension, demonstration of application, analysis of material and participation. Participation grades will be recorded for randomly chosen discussions and activities.

Homework, Make Up, Late & Extra Work: Make up for excused absences will be made up in accordance with school district policy. Work is due at the beginning of the hour on the due date.
Late work will be accepted on the following basis: one day late 20% off, two days late 40% off, etc. No extra credit is available.


I believe that students can be highly successful in their studies by practicing the AHA! principle. A positive ATTITUDE + well done HOMEWORK + regular ATTENDANCE will lead to higher achievement and understanding!

Parents: Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please note that student grades can only be sent via e-mail if parents have already signed a permission form.