Class Introduction:

Grading policy for Ms. King Bartlett High School Physical Education BASKETBALL 2008-2009 PARTICIPATION (50%) This grade incorporates daily participation and the observance of district policies regarding class conduct. Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities i.e. warm ups, push ups, exercises, drills,team play and cool down. Attendance: Excused absences must be made up. The class equivalent for make up will include one of the following activities. For each day missed the student will be able to: 1. Run one mile. 2. Work out in a weight room for one hour. 3. Swim eight laps (or 16 lengths). 4. Complete a written assignment. (This is for students that cannot participate in any other form of physical activity.) UNIFORM (15%) Students are expected to change into appropriate active wear clothing and shoes. Students that do not “dress out” will receive and non-suit. Non suits are the equivalent of an (F) Unexcused non-suits can not be made up. All non-suited students are required to participate. On the second unexcused non-suit parental contact will be made. On the third unexcused non-suit the student will be given a detention. All other unexcused non-suits will be referred to student services for disciplinary actions. Excused non-suits and participation: Students are required to have a parental or Doctors note excusing them from participation. This note can not excuse students from dressing out. Certain situations do not constitute an excused non-suit i.e. forgetting to bring gym clothing, getting the rotation confused, extracurricular game days, feeling tired or sad. Excusing a non-suit will be left up to the discretion of the teacher. RUNS (10%) Students are required to run on a daily basis. Students will participate in a graded run three or more times a week. Missed runs must be made up within the following two class meetings after the student returns. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (10%) Students will be given a series of written assignments and handouts to be returned in a timely manner for credit. Other graded materials will include tests, quizzes and progress reports. Progress reports must be signed by a parent or guardian. SKILLS TESTING (10%) Student assessment will be based on skills testing and the ability to build sequential skills throughout the quarter. PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING (5 %) Each student will be involved in a series of physical fitness test. These tests are designed to create an awareness of healthy life skills and their relationship to daily activity.