Classical Mythology, World Mythology, English 12, and Honors English 9

Homeroom: Rm. 2
Phone: (907) 742-3050

Hello. I am a born and raised Alaskan who grew up in both Anchorage and Eagle River, Alaska. The community at Chugiak is remarkable. Both teachers and students try hard to create a peaceful, fun, and comfortable

I graduated from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. The campus and community were very small, allowing for a comfortable environment. I never saw or smelled so many cows in my life though.

I did my student teaching at Clark Middle School, which was a very rewarding experience. Working with such a diverse community of students really helped open my eyes to the unique qualities each student possesses.
Currently, I am in my 21st year of teaching at Chugiak, and my 25th year at CHS, overall, as I am a graduate of the class of 1992. I love all things Mustangs and will encourage your student to be involved. In the end, it is what
will make the high school experience valuable and memorable.

I crave new experiences, so I continue to try new activities. I love travel, especially, overseas. I have spent a few summers traveling through Europe, visiting England, France, Italy, and Greece. This year I added Spain to the list.
La Sagrada Familia was glorious and the various Moorish castillos and forts provided a feast for the eyes. After three and a half weeks and a lot of sweating, it was nice to come home to relax before heading back to school. Any
suggestions for vacation destinations? Feel free to send them my way!