2nd Grade

Homeroom: 145
Phone: (907) 243-2161
Email: burke_kara@asdk12.org

Hello! Welcome to my home page.

I am a lifelong Alaskan. My family homesteaded on the Kenai Peninsula. I grew up in Anchorage and graduated from East
Anchorage High School. I received my Bachelor of Science in Physics and my Masters of Arts in Teaching from Willamette University in
Salem, Oregon. I minored in Math and Film Studies. My focus during my Masters program was Elementary Education. I worked at William Tyson Elementary
from 1999-2017. I moved to Sand Lake Elementary for the 2017-18 school year. This year I am teaching second grade in the Japanese Immersion program.

     My primary goal for this year is creating a positive environment where confidence and curiosity for learning are encouraged and
provided through meaningful educational experiences. I believe students need to feel safe and free to take risks without ridicule. We will discuss ways throughout the year to help this happen. This will
help the students know the basics of getting along with people from various backgrounds.

Students will have reading homework daily (including Fridays). Homework packets are sent home on Fridays and turned in the following Thursday.

I will do my best to keep you informed of your child’s progress. I will send progress reports 1-2 times a quarter. Please help your student complete any missing work so
that they can improve their grades. You can also look on ParentConnect on Zangle for information on your student.

     Student grades are based on the quality of completed work, class participation, and individual progress. Grading is done on a point
system that can be converted to a percentage. The amount of points assigned to an assignment, project or test determines the weight of
the total grade. We follow the basic grading percent chart being 100% to 90% = O, 89% to 80% = S+, 79% to 70% = S, 69% to 60% = S-, and 59% and below = N.

     I am looking forward to this school year and I hope you are too. If at any time during the year you have comments,
questions or concerns, please feel free to call me, 243-2161. The best time to call is at 8:30 a.m. before school starts, or after school
between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. You can also contact me through email or Class Dojo. I will do my best to notify you immediately of any academic or behavior problems I notice.

     Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education.

the sun,
with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it,
can still ripen a bunch of grapes
as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.