GREEN Written Book Reports


Select 3 of the books you have read this quarter (that are not assigned in class i.e. WW2 novels, Read Alouds, etc) to report on. All 3 need to be turned in NO LATER THAN Wednesday,October 14th which is the end of 1st quarter. (Turn them in as you complete them.)

Be sure to follow the Reading Bingo directions and select appropriate titles to report on. Below you should find links to each of the genres with appropriate questions for each genre. I prefer that your work is TYPED on the document (if you can open it) and sent to me via email. If you cannot type on the document, print a hard copy and type your assignment in a separate word document. It is YOUR responsibility to be sure it reaches me NO LATER THAN Weds. morning. (HINT: You can always send it earlier!) If you do not have access to a printer, you will need to make arrangements to print a hard copy at school during your free time and still submit the work by the deadline. No exceptions/excuses. This is one way that I can contribute to a paperless assignment :0)


Click on the filename to download the file.