Towards More Effective Technology Support

  Before contacting Tech Support:    
  Turn everything off
Breath deeply
Think positive thoughts for 15 seconds
Turn everything back on.
(Don't forget to consider whether any critical data will be lost before doing this)    
Ask a neighbor / Help a neighbor          
    Is it plugged in?    
Reminders for tech support staff:        
  I. At initial contact: sound positive – let them know that their problem is your problem too.      
    If Support can't get to the problem immediately, find out what the critical time-frame for the client is and try to match that. This includes attempting to give an accurate estimate on when help can be expected.    
          Offer something that the client can try in the meantime.  
  If help request comes by e-mail, acknowledge its receipt immediately          
II. When addressing the problem:        
Bring what is thought to be needed on the first trip            

Have spare computers, printers, ready to swap out to keep the client operational

          Work face-to-face if possible. Some remote fixes are efficient, but there is more hope of long-term training when interacting directly.
  III. Educate the client:        
    Help the client learn to find the solution themselves (use the help resources)        
        If you don't have the answer, don't hide that; let them participate in troubleshooting and testing    

Pyramid Computers

If the problem is out of tech support's jurisdiction, offer a suggestion for what to do next      
IV. Prepare for the Next Time        
    Take notes on the solution, so it's ready next time        
      Consider making the solution directly available to clients or educating them proactively      
        If a new problem, share the solution with other sites
    Link to what NOT to do Back to Misc. Index Clipart courtesy of Microsoft Office