Information and Communication Technology (the 4-year plan) - Overview

(Published in the February, 2007 Summit)

South Anchorage High School has established a goal to present Information and Computer Literacy to students in a comprehensive, school-wide, four year curriculum. We expect that upon graduation, all of our students will have learned a core base of knowledge allowing intelligent use of information resources and the efficient use of computer technology in the educational realm.

This was started with an orientation to our library presented to all ninth grade English classes this last fall. Staff discussion suggested that a similar orientation should be given for our computer network and that computer tools (such as Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations) could be used more efficiently if all students had basic instruction in their use. We are piloting the other 9th grade lessons this semester and hope to have full implementation next fall.

Literacy skills include locating, accessing, evaluating, synthesizing, and reflecting upon the vast array of information that students are confronted with each day. Computer skills include completing repetitive calculations, creating graphs, formatting efficiently, creating basic graphics and managing files efficiently. We hope to incorporate as much of this knowledge and these skills into existing classroom lessons as possible, however some will be presented in 'stand-alone' lessons.

Further information can be found on the school's web site under the Information and Computer Literacy Plan (

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