SAHS 4 Year Plan - Miscellaneous Comments


400 students per class, 14 class sections? Each week has 14 class periods. We should be able to complete one class period for all students in a grade level in one week. (although the actual sessions might be scattered over a semester-long block of time.

When all sessions are in place, we will be doing 4 sessions for each of four grade levels, for a total of 16 sessions offered during each school year. This is almost half time for one individual. With the Tech Coordinator and Librarian both working on this, it will be closer to one-quarter time. It is hoped that as this is expanded, some teachers will decide to teach some of this curricula to some of their classes without the presence of the Tech Literacy Staff. If sessions take more than one period, these time requirements will be higher.

Wish list to get started:

  1. Four core departments commit to one period per year per grade level devoted to curricula coordinated with Information and Technology Literacy.
  2. Incorporation of this as part of school-wide goals.
  3. Expectation that this material can be presented to all students and that students can be held accountable for it.
  4. Expectation that this will take a significant portion of the Tech Coordinator's and Library Media Specialist's time.



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