To install Fetch on a Macintosh computer:

You can get a copy of Fetch from either the district public files (which you have to do behind the firewall - either at school or with the VPN connection) or by downloading it from the internet. In either case, you need to have a license number - the district has one posted in their public files. It is legitimate to use for a home installation for use in the district - it is not legitimate to post on the web for all to see.

I would suggest downloading Fetch from the internet. It will ensure the latest version. Go to Fetch Softworks, select Downloads and download the program. This will place the file Fetch_5.1.2.dmg on your desktop. When you open that, it will give you instructions to drag a folder to your Applications. You will need the serial number obtained below.

To find the serial number, while at school,

While in this folder, you can also drag the Fetch 4.0.2 folder to a flash drive or CD to take home if you wish to get the program in this way. When at home, copy it to your Application folder.

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