File transfer when using Office 2007 or 2008

When using Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows) or 2008 (Macs), whether it be Word, Excel, or Powerpoint, unless you save your files carefully, you may have trouble transporting them to a different computer.

In their native format, Office 2007 files cannot be opened by earlier versions of Office, whether on a Mac or a Windows computer. There are translators available that will convert the files, but currently, those translators are only installed on Windows computers at SAHS. You can identify an Office 2007 file by the four-character extension on the end of its name, ending with x. (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx)

This will become a problem with similar solutions as users install Office 2008 on their Macintosh computers.

Best practices:

When using an Office 2007 program, select Save As: and choose a Word/Excel/PowerPoint 2003 format for file type. These can be opened by any computer at SAHS. (further instructions posted)


Go to the library before school or at lunch and open the file on a Dell, then select Save As: with Microsoft 2003 format.

(This can be thought of as a feature, not a problem. Students need to learn about file types and how to make sure that the files that they create can be used by the audience to whom they are targeted. Many people are having this problem in the 'real world' for exactly the same reasons. :)

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