Class Introduction:

Computer Science 3 (JAVA) After the first year of JAVA (CS1, CS2) the student should be prepared to take the AP Computer Science test. It is hoped that students will attempt the AP CS test in the spring. The language used will be Sun's JAVA and Microsoft's J#.
Students are expected to be independent learners and hard workers. Grades will be based approximately 50% on tests, 30% on programs, 10% homework, 10% participation. Students should obtain a study guide to prepare them for the AP test from local bookstores or Amazon.com. Good luck.

Class News

September 30, 2016
Parent Teacher Conferences
Students can get 5 extra credit points for doing 1 of three things: 1) coming to conferences with their parents 2) parents come to conferences 3) have a conversation with your parent/guardian about your class and your grade and have the student write a summary note of the conversation then signat...
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August 21, 2012
Second Life Account Creation
Select the link to notify Roach that you need/have and SL account for the Dimond Island. Roach SL survey ...
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January 9, 2008
NASA and virtual worlds
http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2008/01/nasa_virtual_worlds 4 to 20 lightminutes distance...so 4 - 20 minutes of lag. wonder how to get around that? this is where time slicing turn based consciousness might help. if one is using some external syncing mechanism and giving each per...
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