Class Introduction:

Course – English 11
Instructor – Creed Campbell (Room W216)

Course Description:

The Anchorage School District curriculum for English 11 is thematically based for each quarter. This curriculum is divided into these distinct sections:

Unit One: Moral Ambiguity/Good and Evil. Enduring Understanding: Compelling literature explores the role of good and evil. Core text: Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

Unit Two: Nature/Connections and Conflicts. Enduring Understanding: Relationships with nature shape perspectives. Core text: Ishmael, Daniel Quinn

Unit Three: Justice/Social and Economic. Enduring Understanding: American literature chronicles struggles and creates change in society. Core texts: Brave New World, Aldous Huxley and Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich.

Unit Four: Expression/Voice and Vision. Enduring Understanding: Human beings construct meaning about the world and influence the beliefs of others through critical inquiry and artistic and creative expression. Core texts: choice among The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath; The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger; The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka; The Secret Sharer, Joseph Conrad; or The Stranger, Albert Camus.

Classroom Policies

1. Respect – Respect yourself, peers, staff and faculty
2. Punctuality – Show up on time and be prepared to work before the tardy bell chimes
3. Preparedness – Bring all required materials to class everyday.
4. Participation – Be actively engaged in class discussion and events
5. Food / Drink – Small snack items and drinks will be allowed at Mr. Campbell’s discretion. If food becomes a distraction or littering becomes a problem, this
privilege will be permanently revoked.
6. Electronic Devices – Stow all cell phones, I-pods, and portable electronic devices during class (per school policy)
7. Bathroom Passes – Passes will be granted at teacher’s discretion. As a general rule, however, I expect students to utilize passing periods for this purpose.
Excessive requests to leave class will result in loss of privileges.