Class Introduction:

In middle school drama, we will study the history of theater and the craft of acting through reading assignments, games, workshops, and small, in-class productions. The history of theater: ϖ Primitive Theater and Storytelling ϖ Greek Drama (comedy and tragedy) and Mythology ϖ The Middle Ages and Fairy Tales ϖ The Renaissance and Shakespeare ϖ Theater of the Restoration Era, Romanticism, and Realism ϖ Styles of Drama in other Cultures ϖ Modern Theater and Musicals Acting Craft: ϖ Voice ϖ Character motivation ϖ Improvisation ϖ Movement & Blocking ϖ Make up & Costuming ϖ Sets & props Performances: ϖ A puppet show ϖ Reader's Theater/ Radio Show ϖ Dramatic and Comedic Monologues ϖ One-act plays (time permitting) Expectations and Grading: Since this is a hands-on learning course, attendance is vital. It may not be possible for students to make up all class activities missed due to an absence, but they are expected to make up all assignments missed, and participate fully in all class and group activities. The act of performing in front of one’s peers can be daunting, even terrifying, so students are expected to treat one another with respect and kindness at all times. Grades will be allocated as follows: ϖ 40% Class participation and attendance ϖ 40% Performances ϖ 20% Written assignments and classwork Instructor Contact: Heidi Sutcliffe – Room 811 Sutcliffe_heidi@asdk12.org Google Classroom Remind Code: Suggested materials: ϖ Small notebook and pen for character observations and reflections ϖ (optional, second quarter) basic, inexpensive stage make up kit