II. Dreamweaver - Creation of your site

Using Dreamweaver, it is possible to create and manage a complete web site, including a number of sophisticated features on your ASD SiteBuilder page.

Launch Dreamweaver (check here if you can't find it)
From the middle of the opening screen, select Create New - Dreamweaver Site
Enter an appropriate name for your site. (I used 'TryonTechHelp' for this site)
[Note: while you may use spaces in this name, it is a good habit to NOT use spaces in file names used in web sites. The spaces get filled in with characters such as %20]
Select No, I do not want to use server technology
Select Edit Local Copies on My Machine and
Browse to an appropriate location to save the site. [Note: Saving on a flash drive works quite well. I do so and edit and update my site from both home and at school. It does NOT take anything fancy to connect at home.]
How do you connect to your remote server? Change to FTP

Fill in settings as shown on the left, [remember that your password for your ftp site might be different from your e-mail, if you set it up a long time ago.] and
Click on Test Connection.
No, do not enable check in and check out.
Click Done.

You are now ready to start building your site.


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