Dreamweaver - Create and manage a complete site on ASD SiteBuilder

DreamWeaver can take care of creating a packaged site that has interdependent pages with frames, formatting, and various other fancy things. Much of it is done automatically, but it can still be fairly complex. If you set up a folder in your documents and then link it correctly to your SiteBuilder site, DreamWeaver helps tremendously in the file management. Follow the links through this set of pages, for one way of setting up such a site.

Example: I am managing the collection of pages that you are looking at using this method.
The starting point is the 'Additional Pages' link on the right side of the ASD SiteBuilder (www.asdk12.org/staff/tryon_peter) and/or a direct link to the ASD pages: (www.asdk12.org/staff/tryon_peter/pages) (note the format for these two links - this is how you can reference them for direct access.)

The following pages are meant to take you through all of the key steps needed if taken in order. If you start with the first one, follow the instructions, and click the Next button at the bottom, it is meant that you will end up with a working site. (If you think that there are problems with the instructions, please let me know.) Good luck!

The screen-shots were taken on a Windows computer, but the commands are the same for a Mac. I believe that you will not have any trouble between the two platforms.

Steps to a site :
I. Create a link to your custom site on your SiteBuilder page
II. Create the site in Dreamweaver
III. Post your first page
III(A). Using Style Sheets (CSS) - this is optional
IV. Folder Naming Conventions
V.Manage the site
VI. Odds and Ends - little problems that I've faced on my road to a very rudimentary knowledge of Dreamweaver.

Add content to the site - see Atomic Learning for tutorials on using Dreamweaver.

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