Welcome to our second grade Russian class!
 Добро пожаловать во второй класс!

Summer Reading
Summer Newsletter
Summer Handwriting Weekly

Proficiency Scale


 Each grade level has a conceptually connecting scientific "Big Idea". These themes
should be
used to unify the three science kits:

* Big Idea.pdf


  Sound kit gives a student opportunities for a hands-on creative exploration of sound and how it can be created and changed. It focuses on the three main characteristics of sound: pitch, volume, and timbre. Students investigate the idea that sound travels in waves, and waves travel through air and other materials. Students also use their voices, tuning forks, kazoos, and drums to observe vibrations. In addition, students make and experiment with their own instruments.
* Storyline.pdf

  The lessons in this kit deepen students’ awareness, observations and appreciation of soil. Using test samples, students learn to identify sand, clay, and humus in soil. They also study how water flows through different kinds of soil. During long-term experiments, students explore how roots and plants grow in various soils and how, with the help of worms, old plants decompose and become part of the soil. Investigations include the use of hand lenses, growing plants, percolation of water through soil, composting, and analyzing their own local soil.
* Storyline.pdf

  Plant Growth and Development
In this unit, students experience the complete life cycle of a plant in a few weeks time and learn that the cycle includes germination, growth, the development of specialized parts, and even death with the promise of new life from a seed. Investigations include: growing plants, thinning and transplanting, measuring, observing and recording, constructing bee and flower models, etc.. Students pollinate the plants with bees and learn about the interrelationships plants have with the insect/animal world.
* Storyline.pdf                                     

Copyright 2013 by Inna Erickson page last updated 10/01/13