Class Introduction:

German III: This one year course is designed to achieve a greater degree of proficiency in the German language. It will further the ability to communicate in authentic oral and written context and increase the ease and confidence with which the student uses the language in the community. Connecting w/ other disciplines and comparing the native language to German will be stressed, expanded and developed. It will provide a better understanding and appreciation of Germanic Cultures.

German IV/AP: This one year course is designed to broaden the knowledge of the German language. The focus is increased fluency in communication, at a more abstract and complex level. Skills will be refined through connection with other disciplines as well as comparison of language and culture in authentic contexts. It will increase the ease and confidence with which the student uses the language in the global community. It will prepare the student for the AP (Advanced Placement) language exam.

Topics covered: Review of German I & II, review of past tenses (imperfect and present perfect), prepositions, reflexive verbs, model verbs, commands, adjectives, future tense, nominative, accusative and dative cases, subjunctive case, genitive case and passive voice.

Materials Needed: Journal/ Notebook, pens, pencils, paper. We will be using the book "Komm Mit" level III and supplemental matierials. Students will be advised if they need specific materials for special projects.